Privacy Notice


We will only ever process your information if we have a lawful basis to do so. The lawful bases we rely on are; Contract – This is where we process your information to fulfil a contractual arrangement we have made with you. Consent – This is where we have asked you to provide explicit permission to process your data for a particular purpose. Legitimate Interests - This is where we rely on our interests as a reason for processing, generally this is to provide you with the best products and service in the most secure and appropriate way. Legal Obligation – This is where we have a statutory or other legal obligation to process the information, such as for the investigation of crime.


We collect and use the information that you provide to us directly, for example when you register for an account; we also use cookies and other similar technologies to collect information from your devices when you interact with our advertising or use our website; we keep records when you speak to our customer service teams; use CCTV in our stores for market research purposes; and we take personal information from a number of third parties to help us manage your account and improve your shopping experience. For more detailed information you can read the below which outlines how we use your personal information: To process any orders that you place with us and to facilitate any returns We take payment details to process payment for any credit or debit card orders you place with us. We share these details with our chosen payment processors (for example Worldpay or Paypal)We use your account information plus your chosen delivery address details to; deliver your purchases and keep you informed of their status, and to process any returns including (where appropriate) collecting the item from you.Our chosen payment processors store your payment card details at your request to speed up your checkout in the future. to provide you with access to an account (Contract) To register an account with us we capture information such as your name, contact and delivery information, and a password to protect your account (account information). We use the same information on an ongoing basis to manage and provide secure access to your account, and provide you with the services you request. To provide customer service to you We record calls and keep correspondence (customer service records) when you contact our customer service teams or interact with us on social media. We use these customer service records to manage your queries or complaints effectively, for quality monitoring and to continually improve our services To personalise and improve your experience when you shop We keep a record of how you interact with our website and any marketing you are exposed to, we use this data, along with purchase history, demographics, account information and third party information, to show you products and offers that we think you will be most interested in and to tailor your experience. In our stores we use CCTV footage for market research purposes so that we can best arrange our stores and stock the ranges our customers will be most interested in.We use your account information, information on the devices you use to access our sites and your interactions with us to operate personalised features across our websites, apps and communications To inform you about products and services that may interest you We use technologies such as cookies within digital marketing networks, ad exchanges and social media networks such as Facebook’s Custom Audience to get relevant marketing messages across to you and other customers. We share aggregated and anonymised information about the customer segments we are interested in reaching with advertising partners, so they can focus on showing adverts to those who are most likely to be interested in our products, services and offers, and to prevent them showing you irrelevant or repetitive advertisements. We share limited information with selected suppliers to enable them to identify new prospective customers on our behalf and to prevent us repeatedly advertising products or services you have already boughtWe receive information on how you interact with our adverts and content on third-party websites and social media platforms (such as Google or Facebook) which we use to tailor the information that is displayed to you To keep in touch with you When you register for an account and shop with us we start to keep you up to date with news of products and services including store events, offers, promotions and Sale information, unless you tell us you don’t want us to through your account or using the link in every email that we send to you.When we send you communications we use records of how you interact with our website and any other marketing we’ve sent to you, along with purchase history, to tailor the messages to include information you are most likely to be interested in.We use your account information to notify you about important service messages, such as material changes to this policy, product recalls or information about your account.Where you have requested it we use your account information to deliver LAVANTTI Directories to you. n.b. If at any point you have made amendments to your contact preferences in the ‘my account’ section of our website, selecting to receive communications from us, we are operating under consent instead of legitimate interest. To ensure the Website and the services we offer you operate properly We use cookies and other similar technologies to keep track of your preferences when using our site.We use other cookies and similar technologies to help us understand how you use the site, this allows us to optimise your shopping experience and continually improve our site.We gather information about the devices you use to access our sites (desktop and mobile) for example your IP address and device type, to ensure the site is secure and works across multiple platforms.We use information for Logistics planning, demand forecasting, management information, dealing with errors on our site, and general research and development. To develop and improve our products, range and services We share insights about our customers (in an anonymised and aggregated format) with the companies whose products we sell. This helps them better understand the different profiles of our customers, focusing on those who buy their products or are interested in them.We may contact you to take part in customer satisfaction surveys, if you respond we collect your feedback and contributions (customer feedback). We use this information to develop the services we offer.We work with information providers that specialise in consumer profiling, such as Experian and Merkle. These organisations provide demographic or other data to help better understand customers' demographics, lifestyles or shopping behaviours, usually linked to the areas where people live.We use information about how you browse and engage with our website to improve our websites.We use all information, including third party data in the development of new products, services and systems to ensure they work as expected and will be useful to our customers.When you shop in our stores we use CCTV for security monitoring, and to protect our staff and products. To prevent and detect crime We use your account information, order history and payment history to assist in monitoring for fraudulent transactions or suspected money laundering.When you register an account, or contact our call centres we use your account, application and purchase history information to confirm your identity.We use device identifiers and IP addresses in fraud prevention and investigation, and to maintain network and data security. To fulfil our legal obligations We use your data to ensure we comply with any requirements imposed on us by law or court order, including disclosure to law or tax enforcement agencies and authorities or pursuant to legal proceedings.We will share data with regulatory and other official bodies if they make formal requests.We will maintain records to meet regulatory and tax requirements.We will use your account information to contact you in connection with product recalls or other similar product quality issues and to comply with our legal obligations in connection with the sale of age restricted products.


We keep your personal information as long as you are a customer of ours and generally for seven years afterwards to comply with legal requirements. During that time we take steps to remove any personal data as soon as we no longer need it. We consider you a customer For 3 years from the point you last made a purchase from our website, orDuring any time we are managing a customer service request from you.


We work with a number of trusted third parties to provide you high quality goods and services. Anybody we work with is subject to stringent security and data privacy assessments before we begin to do business with them and on an ongoing basis. We always make efforts to anonymise data and only pass over personal information that is absolutely necessary for the purposes it is being processed. We always do so securely. We have contracts in place with all suppliers that help us to ensure security and privacy of your personal information, these are reviewed and updated regularly and always in line with data protection laws.


If you use any third-party apps, websites or services to access our services, your usage is subject to the relevant third party's terms and conditions, cookies policy, and privacy notice. For example, if you interact with us on social media, your use is subject to the terms and conditions and privacy notices of the relevant social media platform (Facebook, Twitter etc.). The same stands if you use third-party services, like Amazon's Alexa, as your use of the service is subject to their applicable terms and conditions. We may be required to share customer information relating to transactions and use of such third party services with that third party.


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